Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How To Start Making Money Online From Home

Although it does require work, it certainly is a great feeling when you start making money online working from home on the computer. It is not surprising then that many people are searching for ways to start making money online from the comfort of home.

Once you realize that it does take time and effort working from home, it need not be difficult or stressful to start making money online. Be careful not to fall prey to the opportunities that claim you will become rich overnight as nothing miraculous happens like that on the internet.

Whilst it still is easy, making money online can be done quite quickly too. If you have some internet marketing experience you can literally set up a blog and start making money within a few days on the internet.

It will take longer to start making money online if you start your own online home business as it takes time to set up a website and make its presence felt on the internet.

Working for yourself, rather than a boss has to be the best part about making money online from home! You no longer have anyone watching over you. You can set your own schedule, make your own hours and watch yourself progress and grow.

Also it kind of makes you feel more proud of your business and earnings than when you just work for someone else and punch a clock.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of scams and false promises out there and thousands of people fall for them every single day. This ultimately gives internet marketing a bad name. Of those people who try and get scammed, some give up and unfortunately never return. It is a shame but people get scammed in real life too, not just on the internet.

If you want to start making money online, make sure you do your research so that you do not get sucked into a too good to be true *get rich quick* scam. Many people have been caught and lost valuable time and money.

Those that do not give up, that is the successful ones, become realistic and said to themselves: "Okay, I understand I will need to work in order to start making money online." So you just need to make the decision to move forward and start taking action on the stuff that you know works already.

You can actually get started free with a Blog or set up a website for a few dollars. A great way to add posts to your blog is writing product reviews for products that you promote as an affilate for commissions. You could advertise some ClickBank products on your blog as well. Also you can earn advertising revenue from your site or blog, by adding for example Google Adsense.

Ideally you need to post to your blog every day and sprinkle your keywords through the article and title. Then be sure to remember to ping your blog to announce to the search engines that you have added fresh content. By joining a few social networking sites and bookmarking sites you actually like as well as your own blog posts will build back-links to your blog and drive traffic to your blog too.

If you do not want to get involved with setting up a blog or website taking online paid surveys or processing rebates are other quick ways to start making money online from home.

Once you start making money online you will be so glad that you stayed focused and took action on a daily basis to make your dream of making money from home come true.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Truth About Losing Weight – And It Won’t Cost You A Penny!

As so-called ‘experts’ we have a duty to the general public to provide as ‘damned near’ accurate and truthful advice about weight loss and overall weight management as we possibly can.

Our conclusions about any product or information on the market should be based on the solid, peer-reviewed research that has been done to validate the product/info before being released for.

What I would like to do here is give my opinion, based on research and experience with my own clients, about the truths, lies and misdirection in our field so you can save your hard-earned money by not buying into the latest ‘fad’ diet, programme, pill, potion or powder.

Right here we go…

1. The only science you will ever need to take on board is the ‘Law of Thermodynamics’ or to cut a long story short - a calorie is a calorie is a calorie!
Folks, 500 calories of lettuce are equal to 500 calories of chocolate cake! Please never forget this.

2. You will have far more success controlling your weight long term if you concentrate more on how much is going into your mouth than how many calories you can burn exercising. Exercise, or increasing your activity levels, is the best thing you can ever do to improve your overall health i.e. your heart, lungs, bones, immune system and mental health BUT if you use it as the secret to weight control you are going to be mighty disappointed. I JUST WISH MORE ‘EXPERTS’ WOULD TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH HERE! You would need to be on a treadmill for at least 30 mins to burn off the calories in one doughnut. The sad thing is many people will give up exercise because they think it is not working for them and that is so tragic.

3. You have a body that is unique and unlike anyone else. Therefore why have someone else tell you WHAT, WHEN or HOW MUCH you should eat. If you are living by a set of rules created by some miracle programme you are on a ‘DIET’ The problem here is this: DIETS DON’T WORK

• At any one time there are more than 50 million people on a weight-loss diet in the US alone!
• Study after study shows that 95-98% of weight-loss diets fail
• Estimates that as many as 75% of customers are repeat customers

4. Do yourself a favour right from the beginning – throw away the weighting scales. Your weight will vary daily due to a whole host of reasons so why feel elated at your latest ‘weigh-in’ I am not in the business to knock anyone else but when the basics of physiology are not explained to clients then it does make me angry!! Before we move on just accept the fact that initial weight loss on these silly diets is pure H2O.

5. Get into the habit of allowing yourself to throw food away! Yes, that’s right. Once you are full after eating do not continue until you have cleared your plate. This is such a fundamental error in our conditioning, usually from our parents when growing up. So either bin the rest or throw it back in the fridge/freezer because your eating for now is over – go do something else now.

6. So what is the solution?

Well, here is something to be aware of. When you are thirsty your body will let you know. Agree? So you go ahead and drink some fluids until your thirst has gone. No big deal right? If you are too cold or too hot then you will do something about it. 6. When you are tired you will ensure you catch up on sleep. However when you are hungry, boy, do we make this complicated. Surely the correct response is to eat something until you are content and get on with the rest of your life?!! The problem most of us are facing is that we have lost our sensitivity to our natural eating cues i.e. hunger, appetite and satiety (fullness). You need practical advice on how to re-connect with these three cues and that means experimenting and listening to your own body and not your head by not applying someone else’s rules.

Hey, you had these skills as a toddler. When you were hungry, boy, did you let your parents know about it. Your appetite was enormous for all different types of food. and when you were full nothing could entice you to eat any more. Now where did all those natural skills go as you got older?

Eating should be one of life’s great pleasures but has been spoiled by the controlled, chronic rule-making, diet obsessed environment we live in. In fact many people out there do not have so-called ‘eating disorders’ but are just plain HUNGRY.

If you buy into this approach and would like to find out more about HOW to re-educate yourself step-by-step and have fun in the process plus novel ideas on how to increase your activity levels naturally then visit my website below for free info…

Good luck